𓇗1 Naked Eyes

Lila Tace & Mariam Aly



5 min

She’s the sky, my perfect sky

She’s the road that takes me home

She’s the moon, she’s the stars

She’s the room

And her naked eyes meet mine

She’s my skin, and she’s on fire

She lights a candle and my desire

She’s the touch that takes you there

She’s the blanket when you’re scared

And her naked eyes meet mine

She’s the ship that reaches shore

She’s the dream that goes on

She’s the age that never dies

She soothes the pain that’s by my side

And her naked eyes meet mine

She’s the tree that bears

She’s the friend who cares

And her naked eyes meet mine

And her naked eyes meet mine

And her naked eyes meet mine

© Lila Tace

Lila Tace: Vocals & Guitar, Songwriting & Production

Mariam Aly: Vocals

I am a singer-songwriter and author.
My work aims to awaken hearts so that those hearts may awaken the world.
Art is a window to God, and I am committed to opening many windows!

I am a singer-songwriter and author.
My work aims to awaken hearts so that those hearts may awaken the world.
Art is a window to God, and I am committed to opening many windows!

I am a singer-songwriter and author.
My work aims to awaken hearts so that those hearts may awaken the world.
Art is a window to God, and I am committed to opening many windows!

© Lila Tace